⭐️ Includes all features from version 1 (except the design) ⭐️ New, unique design ⭐️ Smart deposit and the ability to fully edit coins – Smart deposit, perfectly suited for handling large traffic ⭐️ Updated coin list, over 150 items ⭐️ Tools (Market Capitalization, Market Screener, Technical Analysis, Cross Rates, Currency Heat Map) – Various trading tools integrated with Trading View ⭐️ P2P trading – Simulation of trading between users ⭐️ Cryptocurrency purchase with cards – Ability to purchase cryptocurrency using cards through Transak 🔗Demo CLICK
✉️ Installation is similar to version 1, will soon be integrated into the bot. Currently available through personal manager and linked to general domains.
Reminder, news about drainers and other offers are available in Private. If you've had more than one successful entry in the last 14 days, request an invite from your personal manager.
⚡ Mute function added, available to everyone. ⚡ Successfully unblocked over 1 thousand domains in the last month. ⚡ Maximizing profit from traffic – details in private. ⚡ Improved bot for ensuring fair competition – send domains to it .