sonijs Wrote: This is an OLD version and everyone who is using it without my autorization will be reported. I'll request users to not use it and admins of this forums needs to watch out or to not allow that kind of languages. Thank you .
His name is censored Looks like from censoristan.
You have brought that for single use , you have no right to share it .
Sylejman Vulaj , sonijs CEO
I already replied to your e-mail, but since you're making a huge story out of it:
If you report people the way you reported this to us, I wish you all the best luck with it because no one is going to take you serious nor have to. Takedown e-mail with typos, missing information and personal opinion, what kind of shit is this?
Go cry to the filehost, because we're simply not the filehost. Europe GOV notice, april 7, 2016 - go read it.
Oh and you're not someone to tell me what I need to watch out for on my own site. Fuck off, will you