Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Celebrated for its intricate plot, deep philosophical themes, and well-developed characters, this anime explores the consequences of human ambition and the search for redemption.
Attack on Titan - Known for its intense action, complex storyline, and social commentary, it delves into themes of freedom, survival, and the human condition against a backdrop of constant peril.
Naruto - Offers a blend of compelling character arcs, epic battles, and themes of perseverance and friendship, following the journey of Naruto Uzumaki from an outcast to a revered hero.
Death Note - A psychological thriller that explores morality and justice, captivating viewers with its cat-and-mouse game between a genius detective and a young man wielding a deadly notebook.
Spirited Away - A masterpiece by Studio Ghibli, this film is acclaimed for its stunning animation, imaginative world, and emotional depth, following a young girl's journey in a magical realm.