The Lounge

best extension on chrome?

Submitted by kelpee, , Thread ID: 261463

RE: best extension on chrome?

09-06-2024, 04:15 AM
1. Productivity
Grammarly: Helps with grammar, spelling, and writing style, making it useful for emails, documents, and social media.
Todoist: A powerful task manager to keep track of your to-do lists and projects.
StayFocusd: Limits the amount of time you can spend on distracting websites.
2. Security and Privacy
LastPass: A password manager that stores and autofills your passwords securely.
uBlock Origin: An efficient ad blocker that also helps with privacy by blocking trackers.
HTTPS Everywhere: Ensures that you always use secure connections to websites where available.
3. Efficiency and Convenience
Tab Wrangler: Automatically closes inactive tabs, helping to reduce clutter and save memory.
OneTab: Converts all your open tabs into a single list, which can help free up memory and keep your tabs organized.
Session Buddy: Manages and saves your browser sessions, so you can easily restore them later.
4. Web Development
Web Developer: Adds a toolbar button with various web developer tools.
React Developer Tools: A set of tools to help with developing React applications.
Lighthouse: An open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages, used for performance, accessibility, and SEO.
5. Shopping and Deals
Honey: Automatically finds and applies coupon codes at checkout, helping you save money.
Rakuten: Provides cash back on purchases made through participating retailers.
6. News and Reading
Pocket: Save articles and videos to view later, even offline.
Feedly: A news aggregator that helps you stay on top of various topics by collecting updates from your favorite sites.
7. Social Media
Buffer: Helps you schedule posts for various social media platforms.
Social Fixer for Facebook: Customizes and improves your Facebook experience by adding filters, hiding posts, and more.
8. Customization
Stylus: Allows you to install themes and skins for various websites, customizing their appearance to your liking.
Dark Reader: Applies a dark theme to every website, reducing eye strain.
These extensions are well-regarded for their functionality and ease of use. Depending on your specific needs, any of these could be considered the best for you.

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