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Advice Needed Why do girls not like me?

Submitted by StormSilverA, , Thread ID: 254944

RE: Why do girls not like me?

24-06-2024, 05:19 PM
You need to build genuine confidence within yourself. When you do this, you build an impenetrable aura around yourself, women can feel it too. You can build this confidence by
- making a lot of money, (in your control)
- becoming fit and disciplined, (in your control)
- or doing challenging things on the regular. (in your control)
- having a big di*k, (not in your control)

Women who like you will most likely not approach you unless you Ooze in the things I listed above. (the one that do aren't the ones you usually want anyways imo). So don't be afraid to approach women with a genuine compliment. Try not to be too basic. Women hear that they are cute or pretty all the time. Learn to read body language so you can tell if she's feeling you or not OR if you should back off. IF she is feeling you, ask for her number and keep the conversation short. If you can make women laugh, you're really green.

Once you get a girl's number don't spend all day trying to text her (NEVER DOUBLE TEXT). There's plenty of thirsty guys in girls' phones you don't want to become another. You have to stand out and be decisive. Send 1 message introducing yourself. Once she responds either let her know that you prefer to facetime/video chat for more intimate conversations. Next you want to plan a date asap. During your call found out her hobby's and what she likes. This will be great to use when planning a date. Remember you need to plan this date. Don't leave it up to women, women love to be surprised and new experiences.

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