Ebony Wrote: That first part can also be about anything by changing out "her" with "them". The point of the example was that "Sexual attraction" doesn't mean "sex" or "date" instantly or in every single case.
So you in this thread you have stated the following in the following order:
Loli and Lolicon are two different things.
Loli and Lolicon are the same things.
Loli and Lolicon are two different things.
Make up your mind at least. Though based on the source you provided, they are same thing. (Also based of the sources I provided.)
No, I think you have just misunderstood. Loli IS from the word lolicon. The definition is different though.
and like I said, no one uses the definition you use, so I don't really care what the official definition is at this point. and like I also said before, I'm done with the debate. Try to have a conversation with someone using your definitions and see how far you can get.