03-05-2015, 10:37 PMNou4r Wrote: Screenshot my post with my avatar, plz 03-05-2015, 10:36 PMHug Wrote: Linkz for some reason made avatars on the cdn server Thus they don't update because there is nothing updating the avatar on that server Old avatar: http://cdn.yourmotherisyoursister.com/up...1430684436 Up-to-date avatar: http://nulledbb.com/uploads/avatars/avat...1430684436 It updates it for me normally...http://cdn.yourmotherisyoursister.com/uploads/avatars/avatar_229.jpg?dateline=1430685428
03-05-2015, 10:36 PMHug Wrote: Linkz for some reason made avatars on the cdn server Thus they don't update because there is nothing updating the avatar on that server Old avatar: http://cdn.yourmotherisyoursister.com/up...1430684436 Up-to-date avatar: http://nulledbb.com/uploads/avatars/avat...1430684436
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