Gaming Discussions

Ps4 Or XB1?

Submitted by Nath2, , Thread ID: 918

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RE: Ps4 Or XB1?

Closed Account
17-02-2017, 03:23 AM
hat's not the only reason I stand by Trump. At the time of the elections he had some pretty valid points. The man literally just became the president. hop off his dick give him some time to run shit.

And that question about my dad being a terrorist makes no sense? Were talking about Trump being president how can you relate this situation to standing by someone because they are our president. I rather see this country making bad decisions united than being ripped the fuck apart while making bad decisions.

All the people rioting because trump won have no consideration for the people who voted for trump. There actions prolly fucken up the country worse than trump is by destroying property.Now what if Hillary won? You think trumps voters would be throwing riots? Trump won the election fair they need to respect our president instead of destroying our own country. If they dont like it they can leave the country like they said they would if he was elected.

This is my country I just want to see it doing good that is all. I dont want to see our own people fighting each other we should be united but there may be just a tad too many ignorant people out there for that to be possible anymore.

He's made some valid points, but let's not backtrack. Let's talk about what's going on NOW, and what's to come in the future. With the way his "trade deals" are going we could see prices of products go up and worst case scenario no products. Calm down though, I'm not hopping on his dick just yet. So far he's been very irrational, just lately he hung up on phone call with the Australian Prime Minister because he got triggered because things didn't go his way.

Yes, it makes perfect sense. You doubted yourself saying he may not be a good president, but you still stand by him. That is a very horrible reason to stand by him. And still, you have yet to give a valid reason to stand by him.

Yes the riots are outrageous, and people are being retarded. But Trump is making it worse with his ego. He needs to be sympathetic with those idiots to say what they want to hear. But no, he continues to distant himself from them, creating a further separation. The "Muslim" ban didn't help either. I'm actually for a lot of stuff that Trump wants to implement. But he's doing it the wrong way. He simply wants to get it done, when it's not that easy. It takes planning, time, and money. If you don't scope out your project, set a reasonable time, and have a budget/sponsor of some sort, your not going to be successful.

This is my country too. I don't want to see our people fighting each other either, but I also don't want a president who does not know what he's doing. So far, he's been hurting our relations with valuable countries. He's gambling with our economy and way of life. If only Trump was good socially and not just business wise.

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