I consider it to be much like World of Warcraft -- only it's a first person shooter instead of a roleplaying game. It really seems just like it, if you're not playing on a community server like a regular player, and aren't playing competitive or something else.
Personally, I dislike it. I'm glad I got it for only $5 when it was on sale, Opened it about 3 times. I started playing CS:S in 05 and it's now 10 years later that I'm still playing. I wouldn't trade the game for the world. Granted, it was much better before they moved it from the Source to the Orange Box engine -- but it's still a great game with surprisingly a large community that still keeps getting new players.
To me, everything in CS:GO just seems so much more off. The hitboxes are beyond off. And that buy menu.. oh my god that buy menu. Try it before you buy it.