whevesy Wrote: I did it once and i made 1 dollar in 5 years how do u guys get good at it
You can make millions per month, however, you'll need a botnet, which is illegal and hard to maintain... if interested i do have a pepper script, but you'll need to host that script (a server) and you'll need to cook a software bundle and in the end you need to do proper marketing to spread the software and increase the numbers of infected PC's...
29-05-2017, 07:37 PM
undefinded123 Wrote: it is not worth it anymore man
Its worth only if you own a botnet, mining on a single PC is not an option, the only way to make money that way is to run a marketing software on your PC and make use of what they have to offer, ex. if you own a website, you can use jingling (a chinese botnet) to get organic traffic, you will get unlimited targeted quality traffic worth $$$ for the price of dedicating your PC for the botnet.