Bubble Wrote: That looks cool. Tell us the program(s) you used, along with plugins if any, and other assets
Photoshop was used to make the Psychobob text. Just a text layer saved as a png.
Then everything else was made using Adobe After Effects with Red Giant's Trapcode Particular plugin. Can get a trial of it at:Trapcode Particularthen pay for it the legit way or find a serial # online and use it.
Then it's just pretty much a combination of adding in particles, a matte, and some dusty looking smoke for added effects. The sand effect that pretty much builds the word Psychobob is 1million particles using that particular plugin.
I've been into web design, graphic design, visual effects, photography for a long time now. I pretty much waste days just sitting here at the comp making stuff like this just to delete it, go to bed, and wake up the next day and mess around making something else. Pretty much a hobby for me, never really got into trying to make money off it. Kind of like when I did photography a lot. went out and spent right around $5000 on equipment just to sit around the house and time simple photos of crap.
Sorry about the life story, I know you didn't ask that question. Just got carried away a little bit.
EDIT: After you got the project saved, it's simple to make the same thing for someone else just by deleting the psychoboblogo and making another one in photoshop.