Brent Wrote: What is for Sale? I have a copy of Darkcomet RAT which is 100% clean and works perfectly fine.
How do I know it's clean? I've been using it on close mates and friends (as a joke of course) for over 2 years.
Make an Offer If anyone wants a copy make me an offer. I've heard clean working copies are very hard to come across these days, so I won't be letting it go for any uneducated offers.
My Skype: Brentsticles
And you honestly think someone's going to pay you for something that is public? It's just too easy to find a clean version. Hell, I have a clean version. I've got alot of clean programs people pay for.
Such a useless post, I'm crying. :noh: :noh: :noh: :noh: :noh: