Money Talk

Is it worth it to buy bitcoins?

Submitted by Reverday, , Thread ID: 57215

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RE: Is it worth it to buy bitcoins?

27-10-2017, 07:57 PM
This post was last modified: 27-10-2017, 08:04 PM by LiberatedPotato
The best time to buy bitcoin was a year ago. the second best time is now. 2018 is going to be the best year for Cryptocurrencies.
seriously speaking, Bitcoin will be getting a major update in the up coming year/years.
Lightning network will scale bitcoin from 7 transactions per second and 10 minute blocktime to billions of transactions without needing to wait.

To add up to my post, I think you should view bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market as a new technology that will do to banks what email did the post office and Amazon did to retail.
Get in as fast as possible and enjoy the ride.
to get you started research what is a Hardware Wallet and paper wallet, and the blockchain.

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