Minecraft Leaks

NoVPN [ANTIBOT] [BungeeCord Support]

Submitted by dodo, , Thread ID: 57530

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I Have 1000 IQ
28-10-2017, 06:56 AM
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.7

  • 1.8

  • 1.9

  • 1.10

  • 1.11

  • 1.12
[Image: 6217583a038d39f949f497bb47b1afb79924ff8fdd17ef.png]


NOTE: Remove your older versions of NoVPN plugin if you're updating to a new version!!!

The antibot work for DeathBot ! -0 tps. If antibot not working send me a PM with name of bot and download link !
If a vpn is not detected send me a mp with the name of vpn and ip!
It is important to keep always the plugin up to date!

1. Download the latest 'NoVPN' plugin for Java 7 or Java 8 depending on your Java version.
2. Drop it into your plugins folder.
3. Reload your server.
4. Go into your plugins folder then open sub folder 'NoVPN'.
5. Configure the plugin by editing 'config.yml' as your wish.
5. Reload your server again.
6. Enjoy!

[Image: 154548497bb47b1afb79924ff8fdd17ef.png]

NoVPN plugin is used forblocking a player by kicking or banningthe player who uses a VPN. (Can be configured)
If kick and ban, both options are set to false then the server will broadcast warning message when the player using VPN joins the server. (Can be configured)

You can test the plugin : (Minecraft Server)

A website is used for checking players who uses a VPN.
OPs will have all the permissions by default and will bypass VPN check.
NoVPN collects statistics anonymously throughbStats(bukkit)|bStats(bungeecord).

[Image: 327511saveavailable.png]

How NoVPN work?
[Image: 904445howwork.png]
Very fast and easy. I use my personnal api and my personnal server(vps).

Contribute for AntiMcleaks

[Image: 111119trusts.png]
Go onthis link
And write a McLeaksToken for ban a McLeaks player in your server[Image: clear.png]

[Image: 983439dds.png]
  • /vp check <player>| Displays the IP and Country of a player and shows if the player uses VPN or not.

  • /vp checkleaks <player>| Displays if the player use mcleaks account or not.

  • /vp ban <player>| Bans the specified VPN user with a configurable message.

  • /vp unban <player>| Unban banned user by NoVPN

  • /vp config| Open GUI configuration

  • /vp kick <player>| Kicks the specified VPN user with a configurable message.

  • /vp blacklist <add,remove,list> <player,ip>| Add player or ip in blacklist.

  • /vp whitelist <add,remove,list> <player,ip>| Add player or ip in whitelist.
[Image: 382097zaz.png]
  • novpn.bypass| To bypass VPN check but the message will still be broadcasted if the player uses VPN.

  • novpn.receive| To receives the broadcasted message. (Player without this permission will not see the broadcasted message)

  • novpn.check| To perform VPN check on players.

  • novpn.leakc| To perform mcleaks check on players.

  • novpn.vpban| To ban andunbanplayers for using VPN with configurable message.

  • novpn.config| Open GUI configuration

  • novpn.vpkick| To kick players for using VPN with configurable message.

  • novpn.vpblacklist| To add ip or player in blacklist

  • novpn.vpwhitelist| To add ip or player in whitelist
[Image: 906880erer.png]

Bungeecord config for using command
[Image: 755122Sanstitre2.png]

And the rest permissions

[Image: 196573ioi.png]

[Image: 673373vpkick.png]

[Image: 749511commands.png]

[Image: 779704screen2.png]

[Image: 583774gui.png]

[Image: 375756cofiggo.png]

[Image: 325031screen5.png]

[Image: 350043screen4.png]

I buy a PulseHeberg vps.
[Image: pulseheberg.jpg]

By downloading this plugin you agree with the content below:
1. You are not permitted to redistribute the plugin in any form, including as a part of any software package.
2. You are not permitted to decompile or modify the plugin in any form.
3. You agree to make an effort to get help (by besuper me) if you are having problems, before leaving a review.
4. No refunds are autorized !
5. We reserve the right to change these Terms at any time, and you agree to abide by the most recent version of this.

  1. Test the default config

  2. Learn the default config see how it works, play with the values

  3. Found a problem? Contact me in the discussions

  4. Have an idea or feature? Submit it: Most accepted features (that can be done fast)

  5. Do you like the plugin? Leave a rating it helps[Image: clear.png]

  6. Want to help improve the plugin? PM me your experience (timings, config, animations you made ,...) I want to know these things so I can base my placeholders, preset animations ,.. on things people actually use.

  7. [Image: 06-06-2015_16-32-18.png]

  8. Download

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