Version : 2.34 Last Updated : 6/30/15 Special Features :
Only Kalista script with actual perfect E calculation
E Calculation factors in all scenarios including shields, masteries, damage modifiers(exhaust etc)
Custom target selection
Q through minions
Advanced Q logic for high accuracy. Will only use Q while dashing if it's an accurate shot.
Q - AA reset
Use E if enemy has specified number of spears in them and is fleeing
Auto execute if target can die from E. Including minions and jungle monsters.
Auto-E harass: If a spear is lodged inside an enemy champion and another one on a minion that is about to die, uses E.
Use items in combo with options including QSS.
Dash off minions if enemy out of range
Advanced Laneclear Key:It attacks minion until it can be killed with E then switches to the next and when it reaches the specified amount to kill (usually 2) it will E execute them [Do not put on same key as orbwalker laneclear. They are used in different situation]
Wall Dash Helper
Save ally with ult from dangerous spells or low life
Auto level spells
Packet Cast spells
Supports SxOrb, SAC:R, and MMA
Advanced E Damage drawings
Change log for v2.34 : Spoiler - Auto-Buy starting items fixed - MMA fixed - Other bugs fixed - E now accurately factors in enemies lifesteal. NOTICE : If you have AutoUpdate disabled on your HPred, enable it. June 26th : Updated to 2.33 June 30th :Updated to 2.34
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Do not let your difficulties fill you with anxiety, after all it is only in the darkest nights that stars shine more brightly. - Ali(a.s)
Developer( PHP, Python, C++, HTML+CSS, JS I am available for Hire. Message Me for details.