--- Features --- Only Kalista script with real perfect calculation E vPrediction ability to Q Forward logic high precision Q You will only use Q while running if it's an accurate shot Q - AA reset Uses And if enemy is the specified number of spears him and flees Auto run if the target can die with E (Including minions and mobs jungle) Auto Harass with E: If a boom is driven in an enemy champion and another on a minion who is about to die, use E Use items in combination with options including QSS Rushes on the enemy minions are out of reach Advanced LaneClear: It attacks minion until he can be killed with and then switches to the next and when it reaches the specified value to kill (usually 2), and he will execute them (Do not put on the same key as orbwalker laneclear . They are used in different situation) Helper to escape on wall Intelligent Firefox finisher Saves allied with Ult dangerous spells or low life Auto-level skills Use Packets Support for SxOrbWalk / SAC / MMA Advanced Drawings Damage Calculation LIB --- --- VPrediction ---- divine prediction
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--- Credits --- Ralphlol
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Do not let your difficulties fill you with anxiety, after all it is only in the darkest nights that stars shine more brightly. - Ali(a.s)
Developer( PHP, Python, C++, HTML+CSS, JS I am available for Hire. Message Me for details.