Bypasses Security Systems using various methods. Drops CGI Shells and communicate with them to bypass Security Systems. Uses the SSH Authorized Keys method to bypass Security Systems. Is completely Post Based and uses a XOR Encryption based on a random key that gets generated with every new session + private base64 functions to bypass Security Systems. Supports Windows and Linux. Find a writeable and readable directory and moves there if it's a web directory. Drops a php.ini and a .htaccess file that clears all disablers incase "suphp" was installed. Has an advanced File Manager Mostly everything is done automatically (when it comes to command or script execution) Open Source and much more (check the source for more information; everything is well commented)
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Do not let your difficulties fill you with anxiety, after all it is only in the darkest nights that stars shine more brightly. - Ali(a.s)
Developer( PHP, Python, C++, HTML+CSS, JS I am available for Hire. Message Me for details.