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The B-59 Incident

Submitted by Anbu, , Thread ID: 59085

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Acute Angle
06-11-2017, 05:44 AM
This post was last modified: 06-11-2017, 09:47 AM by Anbu
The incident of the B-59

Sorta rushed this a bit, still working on some little edits to make the format look better, and fix grammatical issues.

Disclaimer: All characters names entirely fictional, They are completely random and any similarities to actual people, or people on these forums are nothing but coincidence

Narrator: The year is 1962. With tensions of the cold war rising, Both the USSR & the USA continue to boost their military might with new tech advancements; The key to ?victory comes from having the most powerful arsenal to show off.

Our story begins with a captain of the soon to be deployed B-59 Submarine.

The Captain spoke in a calm tone
?As Im sure youre all painfully aware; Im your captain Aiko, Im required to hand out these manuals about the submarine. keep them on you at all times. Id like you to all give a brief introduction about your selves. Why dont we start with you

Captain Aiko pointed at the person to the very right.

The man took one step forward and spoke with confidence
?Im Animate, Im 35 years old. I've been an engineer for 8 years. and I'm excited to get to work with all of you.
Captain: "Thank you, next in line Please."
The man stepped forward he spoke clearly and calmly
?Sunpi, age 23, role technician, I look forward to working on the B-59 and with the rest of my crew.
Another man stepped forward he spoke softly and nervously
"Uhm, hello there. I'm Mayo, seaman age 22"
A boy stepped forward and spoke loudly and quickly
"You can all just call me Vhl I'm 20 years old, seaman, and very excited to be here and meet you all!"

and the rest nobody cares about.

The captain began to hand out the shift sheets.
The first people assigned to be working on deck were Animate, Sunpi, Mayo and VHL
The rest were relatively free to do whatever they want, play poker, relax, use the ice cream machine, or just sleep in.

A few hours later.

Everyone said their goodbyes to their family members and were ready to embark on the B-59. As everyone settled in the active crew started their diagnostic checks of the sub and they determined everything good to go.
The Submarine Submerges into the water, and the journey begins.

1 hour later.

Captain Aiko: "You're all really bad at small talk if we're going to working with each other for the next 60 days, why don't we get to know each other better. Animate tell us a joke"
Animate: ?Knock Kno-

Before Animate could finish his sentence the walls and floor of the submarine started to creak, simultaneously the sonar started beeping, and showed a large unknown object headed there way. It came out of nowhere.
Captain: "Bring us down from 18 knots to 4 Mayo. we need to get a look at what this is."

Animate: "Captain, what if it's the U.S, we could be running into a trap."
VHL: "Why would the Americans do something so foolish? It's probably nothing."
Animate started getting frustrated and raised his voice
Animate: "What do you know about anything! We shouldn't take the risk, we should-"
Captain:"Quite both of you, we need to focus right now. While I don't think the Americans would deploy so close to Russia, we shouldn't rule anything out. It's our duty to investigate"
Animate: mumbles "Oh Is it?"

The captain sighed and shook his head
Captain Aiko: ?Sunpi Radio into HQ, and explain the current situation.
Sunpi: ?Yes, sir!

The large object appeared on sonar again. The crew was confused.
VHL: ?the closer we get to this thing, the smaller it seems to get. What on earth is this thing.
Animate: ?Its almost the size of a person

As the walls continued to creak, an ?ear piercing shriek was heard throughout the sub.

The strange noise stopped and the power went out.
The red backup lights turned on making the whole room seem red and grim.
VHL: ?The power went out! What the hell.
Animate: ?Thanks for the obvious, my question is what the fuck was that noise, and what do we do now? What about our oxygen? If the powers out does that mean the oxygen generators are off...
Mayo: ?If the oxygen went out, the alarm for it wouldve gone off.
Animate: ?Oh yeah? Then why didnt any alarms go off when we lost power?
Mayo: quietly ?I- I dont know."
Sunpi: "The oxygen generators will work until the emergency power runs out, which gives us a few hours. on top of that when they go out, the reserves will give us enough for a few extra hours."

The crew looks over to the captain who appears to just be staring at the subs instruments.

Animate: ?Im more concerned with what the captains doing, and why he isnt talking.
VHL ?Because he knows were doomed!

Captain Aiko: ?Were not 'doomed', Im trying to determine if we can successfully surface with the remaining power while my crew goes crazy.
Animate: ?And?
Captain Aiko Sighs,?Looks like were out of luck, chances are low. Well need to figure out why the power went out, and get it back online; Im sure the crews awake and probably very confused, H & A go down to the cabins and explain whats happening, and report back to me via your radio.
?Understood Replied H & A as they both started heading to the cabins.

Mayo: ?Captain what would you like us to do?
Captain Aiko: ?Start reading through your manuals both of you.
VHL: ?Eh, captain about that I uh, misplaced mine.
The captain sighed
Captain Aiko: "What about you D?"
Mayo: ?I have mine in my pocket.
Captain Aiko ?Alright then, both of you read through it.
VHL: "Can't we contact HQ?"
Captain Aiko: "The Sub's radio isn't working."

As Sunpi & Animate were running through the hallway H pointed the door to their left
Sunpi: ?It's just through that door.
they approached the door, and noticed some odd blue fluid near the door, A walked up to the fluid and stuck his right arm out and felt it with his index finger.
Animate: ?Odd, any idea what this is?
Sunpi: ?No idea...

Animate stood back up and opened up the door to the cabins, spinning the wheel like mechanism to open it. As Sunpi & Animate entered the cabin they both stopped and looked around.
Animate: ?Theres Theres no one here?
Sunpi: ?Apparently so, they probably went down to the relaxation area, let me radio the captain quickly.
Sunpi took turned on the radio pressing the transmit button and speaking into it
Sunpi: ?Captain are you there? Over
he let go of the button eagerly waiting for a response.

Captain Aiko: ?Yes, were all here whats the report? Over.

Sunpi Spoke into the radio
Sunpi: ?Well, were in the cabins but no ones here, our guess is when the power went out and they were in the lower area Over.
Captain Aiko: ?Thats uhm, odd H why don't you continue to look around the rest of the ship, I want A to come back, were going to try to figure out a way to get the power back on, and seeing as hes currently our only engineer were going to need him up here. Over.
?Understood sir. Replied Sunpi into the radio.

Sunpi: ?You heard the captain Animate, think you can find your way back?
Animate: ?Haha, I think I can manage, good luck Sunpi.
Animate started heading back to the captain.
Sunpi decided to head to the cafeteria.

Meanwhile on deck.

?Alright, since the crews location is currently unknown, were going to have to wait until A and H get back here to create a plan on how were going to get power back up.

Sunpi arrived at the cafeteria, he started looking around but no one was in sight, he turned around and started heading down a hallway.

As Sunpi turned the corner, The lights flickered off and on, when the lights turned back on he saw someone on the ground facing him. He jumped back and let out a faint scream
?Christ! he said as he began to tremble he looked at the figure and sighed in relief when he saw the figure didnt have any injuries and appeared to be alive.

VHL: ?Captain, where the hell is Animate. He should be here by now.
Mayo: ?I dont know, maybe he decided to stay with Sunpi.

Sunpi turned on his radio and spoke into it ?Captain there wasnt anyone in the cafeteria, but, theres someone unconscious on the floor near the cafeteria. Im going to try and wake him.

Sunpi approached the person, as he crouched down, he slowly reached his arm out, still shaking, he grab the persons arm with his left arm as he touched the person, they felt extremely cold, the person was freezing. Sunpi spoke aloud ?odd Sunpi stood back and looked at the person he realized the figure is almost womanlike, he lifted up the person's hat to reveal her face, he realized this person was a female

"There weren't any women when the captain had us all introduce ourselves, odd." thought Sunpi
Sunpi grabbed onto the woman's arm and jerked it back and forth.
?Wake up. Wake up. Wake up! he said

Sunpi then put his right hand in front of the persons mouth to feel for any signs of breathing. He felt nothing, he took his middle & pointer finger and placed them on the persons neck to feel for a pulse, there were no signs of life Sunpi sighed and stood up.
He grabbed his radio, and then someone grabbed him and pulled him downward. Sunpi nearly fainted. It was the girl
Sunpi felt paralyzed.

Sunpi Snaps out of it and says ?You nearly gave me a heart attack... Wait.. I couldn't feel a pulse... are you- are you okay?

Girl: ?Im... fine... she softly replied
Sunpi: ?What happened why are you down here?
Girl: ?Just take me to the captain please, Ill explain there. Its not safe here.
Sunpi calmly said, ?Alright, lets go then.
Sunpi began leading the girl to the captain.
As they began walking N began shaking.
Sunpi: ?Everything alright?
Girl: ?Ye-yeah, yeah. Im fine,
Sunpi: ?You sure?
Girl: ?Mhm.
Sunpi: ?By the way, you got a name mystery girl?
Girl: ?My names Ariel
Sunpi: ?Well Ariel, there's no need to worry. Everythings going to be fine. Oh yeah my names Sunpi

Captain Aiko picked up his radio and said ?Sunpi whats the status, did you wake him? over *static*

After only a minute VHL began to get anxious and shouted ?Why isnt he answering? What if something happened to him!

Captain Aiko: ?We all need to remain calm, maybe somethings just interfering with the signal the captain presses down on the radios button and says ?Sunpi, come in Over.

Sunpi picked up his radio and spoke into it ?Yes, Im here. Ive woken her up. No time to explain heading to you guys now over.

VHL: "Wait, did he just say 'her'; why is there a woman aboard captain!
Captain Aiko Sighs.: ?It wasnt my decision.
Mayo: ?This is no place for a women th-
Captain Aiko: ?Well, for the time being, it looks like shes our only hope now doesnt it, so quit whining and lets figure out whats happening

Sunpi and Ariel arrive back on deck.

The crew look up at H and N.
VHL: ?So what on earth happened?
Captain Aiko: ?For once shut up VHL.
The Captain approached Sunpi and Ariel.
Captain Aiko: ?N, go ahead and sit down with the rest of the crew.
Ariel slowly walked over and sat down next to Mayo.
Mayo: "Uh, hi."

The captain sighed.
?Where to start... Do you have any idea where the rest of the crew are Ariel?

Ariel: ?I dont know who or what it was, maybe a spy or something but, we got to the cabins, we were all getting settled in, I put away my things and went to sleep as did most, wait Im confused didnt you see the cabins? There was blood... blood was everywhere.

Sunpi:? No when I and animate got to the cabins it was deserted Wait a minute, where is Animate?
VHL: "Did she just say, Blood everywhere?!"
Captain Aiko: ?I didnt even realize, we thought he stuck with you He never showed up, you think he-
Sunpi: ?Radio him right now VHL! yelled Sunou
VHL: picked up a radio and spoke into it
VHL: ?Animate where are you over. *static* ?Animate come in over! ?Hes not answe-
Sunpi ripped the radio out of VHLs hand and yelled into the radio ?Animate this is Sunpi, come in over! only static was heard on the radio. Sunpi dropped the radio onto the ground and just stared at the floor he didnt know what to think.

Suddenly in a quick motion, he looks up and turns towards the captain.
Sunpi: "No answer.'
Mayo: "H, we need to forget about him for now. N how was there blood everywhere; what the hell happened!"
Ariel: "There was a human-like figure in some sort of suit, the power went out and we heard this loud noise, we all got up and realized the door was open, it got really cold and this person or thing whatever it was walked in, it had these sharp blades going across his arm to his hand, the door behind us wouldn't open, one of the crewmen took his metal box and hit the thing as hard as he could in the head.

It did nothing... The figure stopped, and stared at us all, the man fell to the ground and the thing impaled the man swinging upward... Killing him, everyone just stopped and stared including the thing, it let out a roar and every started running towards the door where the thing was, a few of the crew even tried fighting it, the space was too tight and I got trapped under it all getting stepped on as the tried to escape, eventually I just fainted. I just remember waking up after and seeing everyone dead on the ground. I don't know how I got to the cafeteria, it's all black."

Everyone was in shock and started to panic, VHL was about to speak but he refrained. Everyone just stayed quiet for the next 5 minutes.

Captain Aiko: "A man in a suit? I don't know how to respond. I jus- I don't have the words. Right now we need to focus on getting armed, and getting the power back on."

Sunpi: How do we get the power back on without our engineer?
Ariel: ?Well... I'm an engineer. If we can make it to the reactors I might be able to restore the power.

Captain Aiko: ?Alright, we need to put together a plan. We must get to the armoury, it has plenty of firearms for us to use, and then fix the power.

Mayo: ?Captain you know as well as I how risky that is; If a bullet were to pierce the hull, it would be catastrophic and were too close to crush depth, we would be dead before the thing even got to u-

Captain Aiko Interrupts: ?Im well aware of the risks, the firearms are only to be used as a last resort while we assess the damage. We can bring the submarine up a little so were not so close to crush depth. but thatll take quite a bit of power and well need to act fast after that. I assure you, I dont plan on failing any of my crew, nor my country. Now lets get to work on the details of the plan.

Crew: ?Understood!

Sunpi: First things first, like the Captain said we need to head to the armoury, its stocked with Ak-47s, Makarov's, depth charges, and some melee weapons. But well need someone who can operate the ship to stay here, once we arrive at the armoury we'll contact them through the radio to bring the Submarine up a little bit this will give us more time. However, whoever staying behind is going to need to make use with the weapons we have"

VHL: ?The weapons we hav-.... We have no weapons in here, isn't that why were heading to the armoury.

Mayo: ?No, but we can improvise; the bathrooms right there, it has a toolbox in there for plumbing. Usually stocked with some tools like wrenches, hammers etc.

Ariel: ?Alright, next once were armed; Well need to get to the reactors. thats where the tools are Ill need to restore power and most likely where the source of the power problem is. Since the alarms appear to have malfunctioned, there could easily be a hull breach or a fire somewhere. Wouldnt be anything too major as were maintaining altitude. Just be prepared for anything.

Captain Aiko: "Now then who's going to stay behind?"

Mayo: "I'm going to go get the toolbox out of the bathroom..."
Mayo heads towards the bathroom

Sunpi: "I will."
Captain Aiko: "You can't we may need your skills as a technician once we reach the reactors"
VHL: "Then I will, I know how to operate this thing. I've read all about it."
Captain Aiko: "then it's settled"
Mayo walks back into the room and places it onto the floor in front of everyone.
Mayo: "Found it."
Mayo opens up the toolbox. inside they find A pipe wrench, a box cutter, an assortment of screwdrivers, and a claw face hammer.
VHL: "I'll take the pipe wrench."
VHL Picks up the pipe wrench and swings it.
Captain Aiko: "Mayo take the hammer just in case."
Mayo picks up the hammer and places it on the right side of his pants.
VHL: looks like that's everything.

VHL stayed behind as Captain Aiko, Ariel, Animated, & Sunpi started heading to the Armory

They made it to the armoury, to their right was two lockers with heavy locks on them, filled with Russian assault rifles and handguns, and some tactical knifes. To the left were depth charges. The crew looked around. ?How are we supposed to get these lockers open captain? Said A ?My key. Heres how were going to do things, everyone who has had extensive firearm training take an AK-47, a handgun and one of the knives, everyone else takes only a knife and a handgun, and obviously a holster. The captain handed A the key.
Aiko: "I need to radio to VHL and give him the word to start bringing us up."
Aiko handed Senpi the key
Captain Aiko: ?Alright everyone arm up.

Senpi went up to the first locker, he reached out and inserted his key into the lock, and unlocked it, he approached the second locker and did the same he then took a holster and put it on, a handgun, and a tactical knife, he put the knife into his pocket, and the handgun on safety and placed it in his holster.

Mayo: was at the second locker, he grabbed a holster and put it on. an Ak-47, and a tactical knife which he put inside his holster. He then stepped back.

Ariel went to the second locker put on a holster, and took a Makarov and placed it into the holster.

Captain Aiko: "This is Aiko do you read me VHL? over."
VHL: "Loud and clear. over."
Captain Aiko: "Alright, I need you to start raising our altitude until we're at about 30% power. got it? over."
VHL: "Understood Captain. over."
Captain Aiko: "Listen VHL, you're a good person. over."
VHL: "So are y-"
A loud roar is heard, immediately after the radio cuts to static.
Captain Aiko: "VH- VHL... Are you there? Over"

Captain Aiko: VHL's not picking up anymore, we'll have to assume the worst, and head to the reactor room.

The captain and the rest of the crew started heading to the reactors.

As They turned a corner they found themselves in a large narrow hallway, at the end of that hall the door to the reactor room. Something at the end of the hall greeted them too "The man in a suit" everyone stopped and were in disbelief of what they saw.

Mayo: "That doesn't look like a suit!"
Captain Aiko: "All I know, is that things responsible for the death of my crewmembers and we're going to kill it. everyone; Get your weapons out now!"

The beast roared and started running towards them.The beast ran past the side of the captain, extending his arm and decapitating Aiko with his large sickle-like arm. The captain's body fell to the floor, his head flying through the air his eyes wide open.
The crew stops for a split second and watched them as their captain dies, this fire began flowing through them all, with this adrenaline rushing through them.

Mayo continued running towards the beast with his Makarov in one hand and his knife in the other, he takes one shot and it hits the beast, before he could take another the beast quickly leaps through the air going towards Mayo, it grips onto Mayos neck with its teeth and shook side to side ?ripping his throat out the beast let go and started heading towards Sunpi, as Mayo held both hands on his neck, trying to prevent himself from bleeding out, it was useless, within seconds he fell to the ground, as lifeless as the captain,

Ariel switched from his knife and pulled out his Makarov and started firing at the beast, and shouted: "Ariel get back!"

Ariel turned around and started running towards Ariel, the beast sped up and Ariel started firing his Makarov at it.

taking each of the rounds Sunpi fired at him, the beast caught up to Ariel and impaled her through from the back through the stomach, it then and flung her body backwards, Sunpi began yelling and replaced his weapon's magazine firing at the beast once more.

All but one of the round penetrated the beast, the other hit the ceiling and its ricochet hits the Captains body. Sunpi ran out of ammunition in his handgun, he fell to the ground and threw it aside, as the beast started bleeding, it stopped for a second and starting breathing heavily, it let out a strong roar.

even as the beast was dying its only thought was to kill... Truly a killers instinct, it slowly began to walk towards Sunpi, Sunpi pulled himself back until he was backed up against the wall.

He started feeling hopeless, he didn't know what to do, as the beast started getting closer and closer, with no weapon.
he knew he was "doomed". He glanced to the right to see a wrench, he crawled towards it, Sunpi picked it up and started smashing his teeth, 7 of his teeth fell out, he grabbed them and stuck them into his right hand.

Sunpi stood up, and let out a fearsome battle cry he ran towards the beast, and pushed his hand into the neck of the beast each tooth penetrating the throat of the beast, at the same time the beast forced his claw up into Sunpis right arm, severing his artery. The beast let out a roar as Sunpi pushed his hand to the other side of the beasts neck, killing it.
The beast fell backwards to the ground as did Sunpi.

Sunpi didnt know what to even feel he knew he was going to die as he slowly bled out but he had so much adrenaline the pain was nothing. the real pain was the emotional pain as he looked around surrounded by his fallen comrades.

The power turns back on as if somehow it was the beast that was interfering with it.

Sunpi bursts out into tears, he doesnt understand what he is supposed to do.

He tells himself ?Calm down, I need to calm down. What do I need to do?

A few moments pass and He starts crawling over to the captains corpse, using only his left arm he begins pulling himself to the captain, leaving a trail of blood behind him, pushing Mayo's corpse to the side, he reaches the captain. He checks the captains pocket and finds the captains pen, and with it. The ?Captains log.

In it Sunpi begins writing about the events that transpired, he struggles to write with his non-dominant hand. But he continues he drops the pen and screams out in pain.

He picks the pen up and continues writing. A few more moments pass and he finishes with ? - October 27, 1962

He closes the notebook and stuck it in his right pocket.

He stops crying and "went to sleep"

As time went by he eventually bled out, the beast was dead, and so was every other lifeform aboard the B-59. Nothing survived.

The end

I know that was kinda long, so I want to thank the people that actually read through the whole thing as terrible as it was. it lacks quite a bit of detail on most parts, such as characters. I would've put more in if I didn't decide to start working on this so late. Ran out of time.


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[ Username|Kayo|Aurora|Akihisa|v4hl  ]
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