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Crazy night...

Submitted by Deleted_3747, , Thread ID: 59538

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09-11-2017, 06:05 PM
So i've had a pretty crazy night since yesterday.

It all started with my girlfriend asking me to take the dishes but i said i can't do it because i have stomach pains for a private reason so she decided to do the dishes.
That's when all went downhill...

I was sitting by my pc just doing my regular thing and all of a sudden i hear this panic scream from my kitchen so i threw off my headset and ran out to the kitchen and all i see is blood & my gf in shock condition (panic).
I didn't understand what happend at this point so i started examining her body and i found a big wound on her hand (close to her wrist) and it wasn't a small wound, blood was squirting out and i got in shock too so i paniced and ran to the bathroom grabbing a towel & putting pressure on the wound.

All i saw was my girlfriend on the floor pale as snow in the face and literally staring at death..
I told her to hold pressure on the wound and take deep breaths and just relax and keep her hand up high.
I went to the bathroom again to get bandages so i could wrap her hand up which was really hard to do considering she was in shock, by this time i was talking to swedish 911 (112) and the operator calmed me down so i could make her calm aswell.

After a while she nearly past out and asked me all of the panic questions like "Am i going to die?" and "Am i pale" etc and i just replied in a calm way saying "no you're not pale babe, it's all going to be fine" and then i called her dad to inform him about what happend so he would know if anything bad would go down.

After 30 minutes the ambulance came and i greeted them at the door and told them what had happend. It was all blurry memories by this moment since everything went down so fast and me going into shock seeing the love of my life in that condition was really hard for me since i felt really helpless.

We went to the hospital and she got 11 stitches in total & it's all good now.

However there is a suspision that she might have cut off her little finger sinew and that we have to go back to the hospital this sunday.

All of this happend because i wasn't able to do the dishes and i feel so bad for this shit.
It's so hard to look at her now and seeing her go through this pain and i'm doing my best to support her.

I just wanted to share this story as it has really taken a toll on me seeing my girlfriend which i truly love with my whole heart and i need to vent a little about it.

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