function OnEvent(event, arg) OutputLogMessage("event = %s, arg = %d\n", event, arg) if (event == "PROFILE_ACTIVATED") then EnablePrimaryMouseButtonEvents(true) elseif event == "PROFILE_DEACTIVATED" then ReleaseMouseButton(2) -- to prevent it from being stuck on end if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == 4) then recoil = not recoil spot = not spot end if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == 1 and recoil) then if recoil then repeat --Sleep(20) Sleep(21) MoveMouseRelative(0, 2) Sleep(21) MoveMouseRelative(0, 3) Sleep(21) MoveMouseRelative(0, 4) Sleep(21) MoveMouseRelative(0, 4) until not IsMouseButtonPressed(1) end end end