
Is being lesbian/gay bad?

Submitted by GAYGAY, , Thread ID: 60452

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RE: Is being lesbian/gay bad?

Junior Member
17-11-2017, 07:56 PM
This post was last modified: 17-11-2017, 07:59 PM by mbrown992
17-11-2017, 07:36 PM
alexia2kmax Wrote:
I'm kinda gutted to see how many people think "its bad" but its ok because they can accept it. I'm not really having a go at some of the comments as each to their own and all that but why see it as bad? It's basically like me asking other gay people if they think its "bad" to be heterosexual. I literally couldn't care less what someones sexuality is unless of course peado/Rapist and I genuinely can't for the life of me don't understand why being "gay" would in this day and age could be considered bad by the majority of society. People have said on here they don't judge but they kinda do, Maybe not out loud to the person or other people maybe but in your head you have. in your heads its fine to think its bad as long as you don't judge..kinda a sketchy answer to a sketchy subject I guess.

By your logic we can all be perverts, paedophiles in our heads but its Ok as long as we dont voice our opinions. What is the logic in this. The person obviously still has a problem either way you look at it.

To add to what you say, from a Christian view, it is not our place to Judge. Everyones life is different as are their perspectives. We can perceive something / know it to be wrong, but it would be wrong to enforce our ideals onto others as they have free will and their own mind to make a choice.

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