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What the fuck Republicans? | Net Neutrality

Submitted by JimCricket, , Thread ID: 65123

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14-12-2017, 06:10 AM
I hardly ever go on here but this is the largest discussion type page that I have even signed up for, but I would like to discuss this topic. If you don't know what that is, I will give a brief rundown and basically what it is.

What is Net Neutrality?
Net neutrality is the ending of internet equality. It allows practical bribes to undergo where larger companies such as Netflix can pay said ISP's to make their webpage faster than lower end websites, which would heavily be slowed down. Basically, it allows for ISP's free domain over this topic in a heavy supply and demand type prospect. (Note this is extremely over-simplified)

How does it effect the general population?
Well, whenever a website has to pay more, the general population does as well. Money will stack up upon the current internet bill just for services such as Netflix, YouTube, and other high-broadband websites. One thing I forgot to mention, Net Neutrality also prevents the prioritization of websites. Furthermore, new websites are practically screwed by this which allows these powerhouses of companies to expand their ever-growing rule over the internet. With this, it screws over everyone in the United States (except these power houses) with the general population paying more and the new business owners eventually plummeting and bankrupting.

Sign me up, where do I vote to ensure this doesn't get repealed?
This is up to the FCC, a group of 5 people; 3 of the presidents party's and 2 of the opposing (not independent, just the two majority parties). Now, the main reason that they want this bill repealed is because of their dreaded Obama put it into place. There's literally nothing to do about this bill except hope for a change of heart (which won't happen). It's likely that once it gets repealed, the repeal will likely get repealed in due time but knowing the courts, that can take a very long time.

Now opinions, well, more than before

Republican voters are in favor of keeping the bill (along with the entirety of the United States), it's just this sporadic, terrible group of Republican politicians that want their hand to be played while removing the entirety of Obama's. Granted, the repeal (or hope to repeal) of the Affordable Health Care Act has some reasoning to their decision, but this one literally has no other reason than either a huge bribe of super pact money or the opposing of Obama in his entirety. I personally identify as a Republican with many beliefs that lean to the left, but this is unlike any others as this is a selfish act deliberately meant to completely screw up America. "Make America Great" my ass. Oh! Another fun thing is that ISP's will LITERALLY have free reign as the group that their are passing the power to doesn't have the power to enforce or judge what is right and wrong in terms of the internet, so they do whatever they want, charge how ever much, and completely ruin the current peaceful status of the internet at the moment. The vote is tomorrow (as of 12/13/17) and countless politicians, both Republican and Democrats alike, have asked the FCC to calm down and delay the repeal until tomorrow but they won't because, well, there IS NO REASON AND THAT'S WHAT IS THE WORST ABOUT IT. THERE IS NO REASON! Oh, you like Netflix? Well have fun charging a lot more for a bit faster internet while your other underfunded websites move at the rate of a Windows XP startup. Say your stuff down below, ig :/

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