Well I'm no god at the game but I'll give what I know. Early on you should find the right crosshair and especially find the sensitivity that works for you. A lot of youtube videos that teach you how to properly aim will say to not only use your wrist while aiminng, but also use your arm at the same time, which I've found to be much better than just using your wrist. One thing that threw me off early on was movement. Movement in overwatch is almost instant so hitting skill shots will be very hard with small heros like Lucio, Ana, Tracer, Sombra, etc. Take your time with finding the right hero for you, play stuff like 6V6: Mystery Heroes to get better at most heros, play quick play to practice a specific hero, and then play competitive matches once you feel comfortable with your favorite hero. Youtube has some pretty good videos that cover how to get better at overwatch but also has some pretty bad ones. I say keep playing the game and the more you play the more you'll learn. Just keep with it.