NPCShop_Items["item_glock"] = { -- This does not display anywhere, but is used by the server, as well as the client to purchase the item. Make sure this is unique on all items. Name = "Glock 18", -- The name of the item. Description = "Small pistol. Deals alright damage to your enemy.", -- The description of the item. This supports multilines. Model = "models/weapons/w_pist_glock18.mdl", -- The display model. Price = 400, -- The price of the item. BuyFunction = -- This is what happens when you purchase the weapon. Having a bit of lua knownledge is a huge bonus here, but you can make items rather simple, even if you don't know anything about lua. function(ply,item) ply:Give("weapon_glock2") -- This is what you want to edit. This item gives the player (ply), a glock (weapon_glock2, darkrp name of the weapon entity). Other items below gives the player health, or armor. Anything can be done with the items. end, }