
Do you upgrade to Windows 10?

Submitted by TomThomson, , Thread ID: 8250

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RE: Do you upgrade to Windows 10?

04-08-2015, 07:33 PM
03-08-2015, 02:56 PM
TomThomson Wrote:
31-07-2015, 02:03 AM
sodentond Wrote:
29-07-2015, 11:05 PM
Pulseeey Wrote:
29-07-2015, 10:40 PM
sodentond Wrote:
29-07-2015, 12:35 AM
TomThomson Wrote:
Windows 10 is coming any moment! Will you upgrade?
I will becuase I like the new design and the new browser :3

Absolutely not. Read the user agreement.

every thing you download, movies or pictures, etc- goes to Microsoft
everything you visit, including tor, goes to Microsoft.
keystrokes go to Microsoft (OS is a keylogger)
every fucking thing goes to Microsoft. Free? More like voluntary monitoring by the NSA.
Do some research. I'm not "upgrading".

I believe this was only in the preview, and was never confirmed as far as I know.

You also act as if not upgrading makes your immune from the NSA, it doesn't at all. They still read meta data collected from fiber lines, also their are rumors all Windows operating systems have back-doors in. It's an old rumor that is getting old quite frankly.

I don't see how any of this is relevant anyway, unless you enjoy visiting ISIS recruitment hubs or learning how to make bombs. Just saying.


There is a huge list of softwares doing the same thing. You can't blame Microsoft now!

True, but you can modify ordisable software no problem (If you happen to use that kind of software). You can't manually turn things off in an OS without breaking something. You'd be getting blue screens of death and program crashes.

The fact that a OS would even have this is despicable. There is absolutely no reason for this whatsoever. Yeah error and crash log reporting is needed to fix bugs and what not, but this is 24/7 spying on literally every single thing you do, and I doubt it's just for them to improve the way a piece of software runs. They could do that in past OS's without all the spying. They are definitely doing something else because ofthis, and obviously giving it to third parties.
Why would someone give data to third party? 1) Marketing to make money. (Their OS is free so this makes sense). 2) to surveillance agencies / departments (usually part of a you scratch our back we'll scratch yours type of deal when with governments, other than money and tax cuts).

And some of you argue you have data collected on you all the time anyways- Yes we do, but not to this extent OR detail, and not for all of the same purposes. This level fo detail is only used for dox'ing or something malicious, just as all malware does.

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