Anime and Manga

Get an OG MyAnimeList Username!

Submitted by Nekojiru, , Thread ID: 71864

Thread Closed
kill me
28-01-2018, 05:45 PM
This post was last modified: 15-02-2018, 06:28 AM by Nekojiru
If you have an account on MAL then this is how you can get a new OG username for your account. Like mine:


You may request to use the username of an inactive account if you:
  • are going to use the nick yourself (no requests for friends, no duplicate accts).
  • have been active on the site for at least 3 months. Not less.
  • have not requested an inactive username in the last 6 months.
  • have not been banned in the last 6 months.
  • are not requesting an offensive, sexual, or otherwise problematic username.
Inactive usernames are accounts which:
  • do not appear to exist, but you are unable to use this username
  • have not been confirmed in at least 3 months (no "last online" status). Not less.
  • are completely empty at least 3 months after last online. Not less.
  • have barely been used (next to no list entries, comments, posts, etc.) and were last online at least 2+ years ago. Not less.
  • have not been logged into for at least 5 years. Not less.
  • have been used for illegitimate purposes (e.g. to claim a username).
  • have been closed by a moderator (but were not prominent users in the community).
Administrators reserve the right to use their own discretion and apply the above rules with some flexibility.

  • block the requested username, or your old nickname, with a duplicate account. This perpetuates the problem.
  • PM admins asking for username change requests. Please use this thread and we will get to your requests as soon as possible.
  • make a fuss if you don't get your requested username. Please remember this thread is a privilege, not a right.
Username Blacklist
The following usernames may not be requested due to a high interest from many members. Rather than it becoming a race to see who can post requesting it first, we have decided to make these nicks ineligible.
In addition, one-letter usernames can't be requested due to technical restrictions (usernames have to be at least 2 characters long).

Hoping to change the capitals in your nick?
Please post your nick with the desired capitalisation. Note that it must be the exact same nick, just in a different case. One request only.

Looking for your inactive account?
Used accounts will be renamed with either an underscore (_) or hyphen (-) on the end.
If you need help reclaiming your old account, please contact an admin.

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