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Serious Mandatory Termination of Pregnancy with severe deformities

Submitted by Anbu, , Thread ID: 72454

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RE: Mandatory Termination of Pregnancy with severe deformities

Currently Insane
31-01-2018, 07:16 AM
I am the eldest of 9 children in my family. And as statistics would have it, every single one of them has a learning disability, as well as physical deformities.
1st Brother: Autism, PTSD
1st Sister: Dyslexia, Selective Mutism
2nd Sister: Autism
3rd Sister: ADD, Down Syndrome
2nd Brother: Autism, EDS
3rd Brother: ADHD, Dyscalculia, Down Syndrome
4th Brother: Autism, Dyslexia,
5th Brother: Selective Mutism, VMD, POTS

These are my siblings, and believe me when I tell you that they suffer. But I also see them happy, therefore they can show human emotion and reason, and though they can not fully communicate to our social norms, they are still humans. To end them because of who they are is monstrous, and it's something I personally hope to never see occur ever.

Now to a more broad debate since my personal experiences hardly make up for a "worldly effort". The first issue is identifying whether these individuals are people or not. When we talk about debate, it's never about what people usually argue about i.e it being a life or not. Both sides know it is a life, the question is whether it's human or a person. You see, within set morals of many societies, humans are simple beings on a planet, while people are individuals who are seen as part of a group, therefore holding rights. Their rights include not being harmed, attacked, or killed by other people generally, but when we think of a fetus, some think it doesn't hold rights, therefore it's not a person, so then it's not bad to abort it.

But this topic at hand has proven that those who support it dug themselves into a hole. Let me ask you; if this was going to be used solely for children who are going to develop these disabilities and deformities, then are we aborting the fetus OR the future person? The fetus does not have the imperfections yet, only the naturally-born human does, so you're not aiming for the fetus, you're aiming for this person. Therefore, you're taking away their right to life. And there should be absolutely no argument on whether these individuals are human or even people of society, it's the same argument with race and sex and age that can be made, and just because they're different, this doesn't change anything.

It doesn't matter of the intent be it good or bad, because you still have to justify the fact of killing another person of society. Those who defend this can't say "It's the mother's right" or "It's for society" simply because we are doing so because of the disability which is present AFTER birth. And there is no way it could ever be moral to kill another simply for their deformity.
I apologize for everything

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