
Overseer RAT : 0.2

Submitted by Th3ey3s, , Thread ID: 72177

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RE: Overseer RAT : 0.2

04-02-2018, 08:58 PM
Hello, my fellow travelers. I have a wealth of knowledge, pertaining to this product, that I would LOVE to share with y'all.
Shall we begin?
Here is a quick copy & paste rip of OP's post in case he decides to change anything.

First of all - Overseer RAT is basically a rethemed version of Quasar w/ CinaRat. Evidence of this basically isn't even needed, but here's a picture of a Cina prompt that must have been left behind by the MASTERFUL coders of this shitstorm.
Both Quasar and CinaRAT are free, opensource, and posted on GitHub. I welcome you to look at the repos (assuming you are not already familiar with them already) and compare them to OP's product.

Here is a comparison of a CinaRAT bin and OP's product's bin.
>100% match

Other members have come forward as well, showing parts of OP's software to be a direct rip of their product (*Cough, silent miner set up*).

Now - the issue I have with this, is that OP neglected to post any form of acknowledgement that his RAT is built off both these rats, which could easily have been done by including these two.

I don't even care if he's actually violating one (or both) of these licenses, that's menial, comparable to the argument that OP does not even know what he's selling (Completely true fyi).

The REAL issue I have with the current situation, is the number of fucking people who have been infected, seemingly "MAGICALLY", after downloading beta test files. Obviously, back at normie HQ, the pepes are not happy seeing their community torn apart by someone offering a rat beta test. A number of members reported OP, on the normie forums (HF) for spreading infected software - which OP (of course) denied.
Multiple parties are currently investigating the files left with them for beta testing, and there are many suspicious indicators.
Another example, shall we...... A user threaded out this DNS, running with OP's rat -
Another user also noted that OP's product prevents Wireshark from running.... Hm. Hiding something? Why would a function be coded into a C&C (C&C = Command & Control - the part on YOUR machine if you got this) that prevents Wireshark from running?
In case anyone wants the """"reason"""" that Wireshark isn't allowed.... Here is a PM from one of the developers/coders/general shitheads working with OP currently.
"'Maybe we had a blocker in there' - A.K.A I don't know what code I'm compiling. He didn't even know that piece of code was in there and I'm sure he hasn't even found the cause now that I told him about it."
I also personally witnessed a friend who downloaded a beta test of this software have their forum account stolen, used to scam, then dumped.

Following this turn of events, OP was nearly immediately ban from HF. In almost concurrence, his old HF account was also identified, which just further proves OP has no regards for rules.

I find it pretty sad that OP is still trying to profit off this by continuing sales on another forum, despite not even knowing if the product he is selling is backdoored or not.

TL:DR - Deal with caution. OP's product was basically proven backdoored on another forum, and he still continues to sell it here. Not only this, his product is nothing more then stolen work mashed together into a shit product.

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