What is The Advanced Kevlar System? The The Advanced Kevlar System is a very useful and essential addon to have on your darkrp server, as it gives a new and more controlled player protection system, by providing a whole list of unique features, that creates a new form for unique role-play, that needs to be experienced for you to understand.
Gamemode support
Works with DarkRP +2.5.
Works with TTT (with pointshop1 installed)
Kevlars are now entities, so works with any other gamemode out there. Just need to be sold through a different store.
Feature list
Optimized system.
Custom materials.
Config options.
Custom Kevlar models.
Content on steam workshop.
Pointshop 1 support.
Features helmets now.
Features 3 different helms.
Features 3 different kevlar vests.
Kevlar model display on the player.
Kevlars only protect the area where they cover.
Removal of kevlar on job change ( config option )
Lose kevlar when you die and drop it on ground ( config option )
Blocks bullets and scale dmg on ones which get through.
Features wall mounted animated 3d2d shops.
Wall mounted Shops have no impact on ingame fps.
Wall mounted Shops features perma-saving system.
Wall mounted Shops feature ULX restriction on kevlars,
Wall mounted Shops feature Job resctrion.
Features a whole list of api functions, for the developer.
Unzip the file.
Read the readme.txt
Any issues with installing? then add me on steam so i can help you add it.