My timezone: GMT Time spent online a day: I am on from when I wake up at 9am till I sleep at 3am, always checking on on phone at college and I spend maybe upto 5 hours spread out a day on Nulled. Section I would like to apply for: Entertainment or Other Why me: I am on pretty much all the time report and trying to help as much as I can, I would be able to clean sections up and try keep them spam free. How I would improve the overall quality of the section: I am always picking up people spamming and copy pasting, leeching and lots of other activities to boost credits and unlike some people I read the rules and follow them. Also moving things into the correct forums since all to often people just post wherever.
By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.