
Sectional Staff Recruitment

Submitted by Aoki, , Thread ID: 75010

Thread Closed

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

Veni, vidi, vici
12-02-2018, 11:53 PM
This post was last modified: 13-02-2018, 12:02 PM by Prince
My timezone:

UTC +01:00 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Time spent online a day:

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09:00 - 16:00
21:00 - 23:00


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22:00 - 00:00


09:00 - 15:30
21:00 - 00:00


09:00 - 19:30
22:00 - 00:00


09:00 - 16:00
21:00 - 01:00


09:00 - 00:00


09:00 - 23:00

Section I would like to apply for:

I'd like to apply for member contests & giveaways section, however I think I could affect changes in other discussions as well.

Why me:

I've been an member since August 2016, although I wasn't active at the beginning. Since I became active I've positively contributed to Nulled in a variety of aspected ways. I've done free services for users of any rank, this gained myself some knowledge and it helped the community in general, overall. Besides community servicesI've done numerous of giveaways. These were both in a value-flux described as well as in content described. Some of them were award giveaways, such as the Gift award. But also Prime codes, discounts and even Supreme upgrades. Now, donating money to a forum doesn't grant you immunity or higher influence, but I think it does reflect a certain state of responsibility and attitude.

I confirm, and I've already said this to you in DM's before Aoki, I'm not always showing my best and most positive side. This is, sometimes, because of happenings in my personal life but also caused a bit of how I am. I'm always trying my best to cover this, or improve myself, and I think I've done that over the past Months. But there's still a small rebel in me, if you think this will become a struggle for asection moderator I understand that, and I would respect your honesty over something you later get regrets of.

I've been a Moderator on a busy Minecraft server with over 400 players online, always. I was accepted due to my dedication and friendly support, but also toughening the lines when they needed to be. I won't disclose the IP, but you can always request this in PM or on Discord. I basically handled 4 gamemodes, all different playstyles and players. There was a big guideline you had to follow in order to follow it precisely. I remember I learned the guidebook out of my head because I was so excited to get started, inmediately. I still am Moderator on the server, however I'm thinking about resigning due to my interest in other projects such as being dedicated to Nulled, completely as well as other games. Minecraft isn't my thing anymore and I'd like to proceed. I'm currently focused on my graphic design for my next college education which I'm preparing for, I'm currently, besides Nulled, and Gaming spending my time in creating UIX and Thread Designs, I've enjoyed more and more over the time and hope to succeed in this eventually.

How I would improve the overall quality of the section:

Member contests and giveaways

At the moment, and recently giveaways were provided where you had to have a certain amount of posts to be able to win, or to get a decent chance. Most, if not almost all of them were not of a high-quality and were mostly replies relying on one-word answers and simple questions. I wouldn't warn every user, instead I'd like to encourage them to be positive, post of a decent format and eventually trying to raise the post-quality, even in the member contest section.

Another suggestion I'd make is disabling the post add on the postbit. As mentioned before, a lot of posts are not of great quality, and lack of communication. If we disable the post-count people can't force-post there anymore, they can but it won't affect their statistics, such as inthe section random. Eventually, I think this will stabilize the content posted, because there's either a thought behind it or an answer that makes sense. Not some 'yes' or 'no' answer.

Last thing I'd heavily watch for is fake giveaways and never-ending contests. We've seen this in the past, people hosted contests, but they never ended the contest or chose a winner. This is, in some way, misleading and fraudulent as you promised something with a deadline, and not meeting it. I'd be highly against this and probably enforce strictly. As an example I'd like to mention A's contest. He changed his rules and guidelines over 2 times times in his giveaway, which was on a short-hang-line already. Aoki enforced strictly and I think he handled it off perfecly. He manipulated, twisted it and eventually not providing it. He had been given 6 Months to make his groups active, he never tried to, and when he did he lacked the effort for it. So again, I think how the Staff team handled and responded to this case was very well done, and that's how I would respond as well.

Other Discussions:

I'll maintain the main section of Other Discussions by actively looking for wrong posted content and off-topic posts. I've seen numerous of posts who were in either the wrong section or completely off-topic from where it should belong, same goes for topics. New members are often confused with all the sections there are and where they should post. Too much topics are being left to dust because they're wrongly posted, it's also caused by the low amount of Staff member and the high amount of influx, especially leechers and newcoming members. I'll try to make the section more focused on it's real purpose and moving all other threads with a more specific niche, and letting the topics stay that do not have a section for its own.

I think the Forum Games section is already being a good watched place. A nice addition is that there's no post count in rule, which makes it for shitposters impossible to gain extra posts, the same applies for leechers. The section is nice, and very active at the moment with AMA's, counting games and rate the member above you. A little bit more diversity would be sufficient to see. Such as only "x" amount of the same threads.I think this is needed to keep the section fresh and alive, and not an AMA section only. The activity is where it should be at, nothing needs to be done there. However, post quality lacks effort sometimes.

The News and Happening section needs revival, I'm currently re-thinking an idea to boost that section because it's an important part of our education, and what's nice to learn and relax at the same time together. I'm brainstorming about some sort award of reward for someone that's a news-guru, someone who's up-to-date in the section, states his arguments, discusses with other members about the happening, and also see each others field of view and perspective on the subject, which is enjoyable to see from different religions, origins and education levels. Don't get me wrong here, there indeed topics posted, however almost none of them get replies nor views. This could also be that people are just not interested in this but it should be an alive section of the forum, and I think it would become a great section seeing what diversity we have playing here.

The forum: Phone and Apps is not something that should have its own section. Instead, I think it should fall under computing > phone & apps. It's already not really active and the moment it only takes up extra space on the homepage and makes it even more confusing. There's computing in the "other discussion" sub-section, which is in the same category as Innuendo, 420, and forum games. This overall will have less recognition as users often think the 'other discussion' sub-section is a spin-off from the lounge where discussions belong that are not allowed or more specific than the Lounge.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.

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