
Sectional Staff Recruitment

Submitted by Aoki, , Thread ID: 75010

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RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

Forum Janitor
13-02-2018, 02:06 AM

It all depends on current circumstances, generally 4+ hours per day. Changing soon as I've quit my job.
This means it'll go to the likes of 12+ hours per day on the forum everyday.

Other Discussions
I am more than happy to moderate any of the sections mentioned.
If believed I would be better suited to moderate another one, please let me know.

The reason which I'm applying is that I've been a longstanding member of the Nulled community and my experience with MyBB is through the roof and dips well into the development aspect too. I've spent several years moderating and administrating MyBB forums as well as using other forum software too. I understand the responsibilities that a forum has moderator has as well as the policies in which need to be followed and enforced. I believe I would be a good fit for this position as I generally have great pleasure in going through threads looking for the garbage and reporting it at present.

To be honest I don't see a massive need to give a million and one reasons as to why you should choose me, sometimes the big applications are the ones that look good but are just overdone. I know Nulled, I know the community, I know the job at hand and I have the experience to back me up. I don't mean to sound hot headed but I most definitely know the ins and outs of the position. I wouldn't abuse the power given to me and if I believed that I was in a situation I was unsure of what to do I'd seek advice as opposed to choosing the wrong decision.

I'm going to break this section down just now, based on the forum and the sub-forums overall and try my best to explain the current status.

Other Discussion
Inside this forum is not the most active on Nulled as a whole, we see more activity in the sub-forums as opposed to the parent forum. Due to the parent being what it is, I would first look at the approach of getting some new content in here that doesn't fit anywhere else. The goal would be to build up some more, general, daily activity as it seems to be in a lack of it at the moment.

Sections like Forum Games have a lot of spam going on, which comes to the no post count rule in the sub-forum, however people still break the rules in here. On a daily basis we see a number of threads which are the same, just more or less polished up to look a little different. I think it's time to clean this forum up and maybe with the hard work, enforced rules we could bring back post count in this section.

If you've recently hada look atNews and Happenings something I've noticed is a lot of gravedigging in this section, spammers dig up the old threads for the posts. My biggest goal here would be getting the latest news from around the world and having as much news coming in as possible. This would not be a simple copy and paste job, more a research, cross reference,and result idea. Showing members the full story. Sort of like the Nulled News, it would be a coordinated machine in which would increase the quality of posts as opposed to the quantity.

The Computing forum overall is doing rather well considering it has been put into Other Discussions, I do believe this would have been better in another section. However, from the general day to day topics of conversation it's a lot of this or this, this vs that, which sure is a nice discussion field but we don't see quality tutorials or guides being presented in the section. I would much prefer to try and get some good tutorials being built up in here. It's actually already currently a goal I have for Nullus. This section could be doing with more discussions rather than this and that sort of thing.

The Phones and Apps section has so much potential in this day and age because of the current standing of technology that this section should infact be booming. I mean at the moment the chances are at least two people are reading this thread on their phone right? The section has the opportunity to open some of the most intellectual discussions that could happen on this forum but it doesn't seem to be going in that direction. Sorta in a this or that direction. I would love to see more open and heated but intellectual conversations appearing here.

In general, Innuendo seems to be a place where it's just to increase the post count. How long was your first time, when did you lose, have you tried etc. I mean sure it's the purpose of the forum, talking all about love but I think that in a lot of the threads, the responses are still in breach of the site policy. My firstaction for me would be getting some sectional rules up in there. Afterwards, looking to see where we could clean up some of the content shared.

I've noticed for a while that the 420 section is dropping in activity, really hitting it hard, to be honest, I'm not sure on what I would do with this section to help make it more active, the overall quality in the section though seems to be decent considering. I think it would be nice to see more experienced smokers commenting in there though, I mean we also offer an Award for smokers too.

The general statistics for the Anime & Manga are shocking if you ask me considering that to the actual group Anime. I think that far too much time from the users in the group is spent in their sub-forum as opposed to in the open sub-forum. I would be reaching out to them as it's a section based on their niche to interact with non-group members and open more discussions to engage with people. I mean I think it's bizarre that they've abandoned the open forum because they have a sub-forum which is dying out when their group forum is thriving.

Anything Else?
If you guys on the team have any questions regarding this application I urge you to contact me as soon as possible.
This allows for anything to be elaborated on in private or this post to be edited and it to be added to help you guys out.
As always, good luck to all who apply for this spot on the team.

Please read the award requirements here before applying for them.
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