
Sectional Staff Recruitment

Submitted by Aoki, , Thread ID: 75010

Thread Closed

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

13-02-2018, 03:18 AM
My timezone: UTC -6
Time spent online a day: Depends, but maybe 4-5 hours
Section I would like to apply for: Entertainment and/or Other Discussions
Why me:Hey it's me Guts... I mean since regaining my activity on the forum back in October I've made quite a few impacts on the forum. I had the idea to add usergroups to a users profile page. I became leader of Anime and changed quite a few things inside of the group and kicked inactive users. With the goal of achieving only the highest quality weebs on the forum. I've contributed with reports and I'm constantly keeping a lookout for new members who show good qualities and pm'ing them and conversing with them on the forum. I believe that kindness and compassion towards all users is very important, regardless of post count or rep. Hell I'll accept any member into Anime solely on the application given. I accepted a user with only 10 posts into Writers and the kid killed that last News release. I'm the user that originally mentioned Nulledbb on Leak forums in hopes that it would bring in more high quality users. I didn't bring them all in myself but I got it started. In terms of Other Discussions, being leader of Anime makes it sort of my duty to inform and supervise what goes on outside the Anime sub group forums. Constantly checking in on the Anime & Manga section seeing if any users have questions about anything in that area. I'm beyond helpful and I love assisting and aiding those who ask for help. I'm constantly on watch for Anime users for possible recruitment. Knowing that Other Discussions is not only Anime & Manga, I'm also and avid music listener and movie goer.Which is why Entertainment would be a good fit for me. I like to say I'm quite sufficient in all areas of music and I watch quite a hell of a lot of films. I believe I'm the right choice for this position because I already act as someone in charge, be that as only an Anime Leader. But I moderate that section quite well, so I do not see it being difficult to take leadership of a broader "Entertainment" audience. I'm about to be getting into music production again and I would not mind sharing my learning with other users who might be getting into such an area of expertise. Listening to all types of music allows me to notice the difference between a low quality or a troll post, or a high quality "I want to share this with everyone" post. I'm quite knowledgeable on current and upcoming movies, having an iptorrents account allows me to not have to see anything in theaters and allows me to watch from home, which is a blessing. I would be happy to share iptorrent invites with promising users and offer downloads of newer films through other means with the userbase. You should know by now that I strive only for the best and in doing so, only accept the best. I would be a great sectional leader in Other Discussions for my knowledge in Anime & Manga, but I would be best suited inEntertainment for my vast Music knowledge and Movie experience. I don't judge and believe every user has the right to share what they love, regardless of what I might like.
How I would improve the overall quality of the section:As of now there isn't a definite downloading area for Movies or Music.I would like to introduce that aspect, so instead of sharing just a youtube or link to a streaming website. A user may share a download link of a said movie or even make a request for a certain music album, tv show, or movie to be shared by a user. As of now activity is mostly based on only sharing trailers or a song or two. I'd like to create a place for downloads and streaming, which I believe will build a stronger userbase in this particular aspect. I would also be inclined to post a bi-weekly thread in both the Movie & Tv section and the Music section mentioning newly released music in all genres and upcoming music, as well as the same for Movies & Tv. This would hopefully increase activity and hopefully bring users closer together, being able to identify with others on certain genres and likes of certain entertainment. As for Anime & Manga, I would keep a closer eye on what gets posted and if whether or not it's a spam post or if it's a generally interested post. As I have a vast knowledge in the subject I could identify which is what and enforce rules and regulations in that specific area. Otherwise, not much needs to be changed... possibly do the same with Movies, TV, & Music. Post download links and review current Anime & Manga. Though that seems like something for the Anime group to do itself rather than a mod.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it. (I already suffer from depression, so nothing to worry about)
The only woman Yoko and I shared in the sheets

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