I have decided that today, I shall expose my fat ass for Y'all to see.
Not Literally! Anyhow, I have never really thought about exposing my identity, nor posting a picture of myself on a Forum. NULLED is such a friendly, chilled and great community of talented members, and so I didn't see the Harm in doing so, I hope no-one really say's anything too hurtful, otherwise I'd need to take it with a bucket of salt, rather than a pinch. Anyhow, below is three photo's of myself, I hope that for whatever reason you clicked on this post to see my Face, You're satisfied that you did.
Thanks, Rizzo.
Hey Rizzo Im not trying to be all up in your biz! But are you from NY?! Always for some reason I thought you was black LMAO shakin my head Reason why I asked are you from NY was b/c of your T-SHirt I forgot to mention nice picture my dude looking fresh