Returning to NULLED has been one of my best decisions in a long time, and I have absolutely no intention of disappearing, nor leaving the community for a long, long, long time. Yet I do however have a Holiday coming up, and I won't be active during that, I will explain much more on this thread below, so please take a read so you can fully understand.
Where am I going? I am going to Spain, only for a few day's. I'm going with a few friends, just to clear my head and relax for a few days, wind down from the things that have been happening in real life for myself, and my friends.
How long will I be gone? I will be gone from 05/03/2018 and back on 09/03/2018. So technically, 4 Days.
Why am I making a Post? Just because of the group I'm in (Challenge) or any friends that are wondering why I'm not online, or just the users that I have been helping and interacting with recently. I just wanted to clarify to everyone that I'm not leaving the community, I'm just taking a few day's holiday and I shall be back on the 9th as normal.
Will this effect your activity? Yes, in the time I'm gone, because I won't be posting as I'm not taking my computer or laptop, and I don't really want to involve myself in the virtual world whilst I'm away. Yet, when I return, I will be as active as I am now, and return to posting and making threads as normal.
Final words.. I hope you can all understand and accept my absence whilst I'm gone. If anyone has any issues, please feel free to PM me on the Website, and I'll get back to you as soon as I return back home. Challenge is still recruiting if anyone want's to apply, and you will be Verified from Beemo or Jur in my absence. I will be online until 5am tomorrow. Then I'm heading to the Airport. Can't wait to speak to you all again, and return when I get home.