Moon Wrote: I'm probably going to pickup some more RAM next, I've currently got 16GB but I'm planning the leap to 32GB. However if I do that I'm spending a fortune on more DDR3 RAM, which might not be a smart choice because I don't know long long I'll have my rig before replacing the whole lot. Which would then probably need DDR4...
I was also considering getting some more storage. My 6TB of mechanical drives are currently full, and so are my SSDs. But I'd get that in a separate NAS unit more than likely. While were on the topic I might as well mention my most recent upgrade. I made the step from 1080p 144Hz to 1440p 144Hz. It's lovely, text is finally nice and crisp even on a 27" panel. < 3
After getting my 1060 and seeing the cpu bottleneck I went ahead and ordered an Ryzen 5 1600, MSI B350 mobo and 16GB DDR4 3000. I figure I'll find a cheap case, cpu cooler and psu and use it on my old parts for learning penetration testing.