Muffin Wrote: This won't help people will still make LQ applications. All your suggestion does it stop 1 post and 1 credit. Might as well not count posts in upgraded lounge since that where is all the shit posting happens.
But in your case your reason for spamming lq apps was to increase your post count also group owners post multiple times on a thread and if leechers were smart they could simply get 5(or how ever many groups there are) posts in by just posting shitty apps and that wouldnt be against the rules aslong as they meet the bare minuim in their application.
08-03-2018, 06:15 PM
Megumin Wrote: I mean, it isnt a big problem imo, since the posts are usually bigger and take longer
Maybe it shouldnt give creds but add post
The post count should show posts that are ment for their specific section and offer discussion not an application to join a group.