Since a network device can't be active/in-use while its MAC address is being changed, you'll be constantly disabling/re-enabling your network connection by doing it every minute...
That said, to do it in Linux,you can install "macchanger" from your regular repository (or grab it from ).
Assuming the networkinterfaceyou want to change is "eth0", from a shellprompt you'll want to do the following (with root permisisons):
ifconfig eth0 down macchanger -r eth0 ifconfig eth0 up
"ifconfig eth0 down" to disable the eth0 interface. "macchanger -r eth0" to assign a new address (the -r flag randomizes it, or use -e instead to assign assign a random address using the same vendor.) "ifconfig eth0 up" to bring the interface back up.
If it's a wireless card as opposed to an ethernet card, the interfacewill probablybe "wlan0" instead of "eth0" but you can list the availableinterfaces by typing "ip link show" or "ifconfig".
Then justadd a cron job (sudo crontab -e) toschedule it to runas frequently as you want.
Cheers, B
Life is like a box of chocolates, it doesn't last as long for fat people.