Minecraft Leaks

DeluxeMaintenance BungeeCord

Submitted by The_Hero, , Thread ID: 79587

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12-03-2018, 02:15 PM
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[Image: dm-header-png.225887]
It is a simple plugin to manage when your network is in maintenance, allowing to place global maintenance or a particular server and prevent users from entering when performing maintenance.

This plugin is for BungeeCord only.

Please report any error to correct it immediately.
Check out my other projects as well:
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[Image: uIgoP3X.png]

[Image: vD6dqlz.png]
* Set in game reason
* Change maintenance mode in Game
* Lightweight, lag free
* Simple usage, one command
* Set a temporary motd in maintenance
* Configurable messages
* Allow people with permission to bypass the kick.
* Per Server maintenance and global
* Customizable motd
* Multiple languages (ES,EN,RU)
* No dependency
* 100% Customizable

[Image: 8wAqJnV.png]

[Image: banner.png]
[Image: ZgT3zWU.png]

Coming Soon
[Image: Kbna65H.png]

List of commands
  • /dm on global <reason> - Place the network maintenance.

  • /dm on <server> <reason> - Place a server maintenance..

  • /dm off global - Removes maintenance from the network.

  • /dm off <server> - Removes maintenance from a server.

  • /dm reload - Reload the configuration.
List of permissions
  • maintenance.use - To use the plugin.

  • maintenance.admin- To use administrative commands (/dm on, /dm off).

  • maintenance.staff - Allow people to bypass the kick.
[Image: eSz1RV3.png]
  • Copy the JAR file in the directory of plugins

  • Restart the network to install.

  • And enjoy the plugin!.
[Image: sjmsuhM.png]

Code (Text):

prefix: '&b[&6DeluxeMaintenance&b] &7 '
update-check: true
messages: EN

Code (Text):

in-maintenance: '&cThe &cserver &c<server> &cis &cunder &cmaintenance. &cReason: &c<reason>'
in-maintenance-global: "&cThe &cnetwork &cis &cunder &cmaintenance. \n&cReason: &c<reason>"
in-maintenance-ping-players: "&cWe &cwill &cbe &cback \n&cas &csoon &cas &cpossible"
in-maintenance-ping-protocol: '&cMaintenance'
no-permission: '&7You &7not &7have &7permission &7to &7use &7this &7command.'
no-player: '&7Invalid &7player.'
command-error: '&7Invalid &7argument. &7Use &b/maintenance &bon | &boff'
on-command-error: '&7Invalid &7argument. &7Use &b/maintenance &bon &b<server> &b<reason>'
off-command-error: '&7Invalid &7argument. &7Use &b/maintenance &boff &b<server>'
no-server: '&7Server &7Not &7Found'
maintenance-enabled: '&7Maintenance &7for &7the &7server &7<server> &7enabled. &7Reason:
maintenance-disabled: '&7Maintenance &7for &7the &7server &7<server> &7disabled'
no-reason: '&7Please &7specify &7the &7reason &7for &7maintenance.'
no-server-command-error: '&7You &7must &7specify &7a &7server &7or &7''global'' &7for
&7the &7network'

Code (Text):

in-maintenance: '&cEl &cservidor &c<server> &cesta &cen &cmantenimiento. &cRazn:
in-maintenance-global: "&cLa &cnetwork &cse &cencuentra &cen &cmantenimiento. \n&cRaz\
n: &c<reason>"
in-maintenance-ping-players: "&cEstaremos &cde &cregreso \n&ctan &cpronto &ccomo &csea\
\ &cposible"
in-maintenance-ping-protocol: '&cMantenimiento'
no-permission: '&7No &7tienes &7permiso &7para &7usar &7este &7comando..'
command-reload: '&7La &7configuracin &7y &7mensajes &7a &7sido &7cargado.'
command-error: '&7Argumento &7no &7vlido. &7Utilizar &b/maintenance &bon | &boff'
on-command-error: '&7Argumento &7no &7vlido. &7Utilizar &b/maintenance &bon &b<server>
off-command-error: '&7Argumento &7no &7vlido. &7Utilizar &b/maintenance &boff &b<server>'
no-server: '&7Servidor &7no &7encontrado'
maintenance-enabled: '&7Mantenimiento &7para &7el &7servidor &7<server> &7activado.
&7Razn: &7<reason>'
maintenance-disabled: '&7Mantenimiento &7para &7el &7servidor &7<server> &7desactivado'
no-reason: '&7Por &7favor &7especifica &7la &7razn &7del &7mantenimiento.'
no-server-command-error: '&7Debe &7especificar &7un &7servidor &7o &7''global'' &7para
&7la &7network'

Code (Text):

in-maintenance: '&c &c<server> &c &c &c. &c: &c<reason>'
in-maintenance-global: "&c &c &c &c. \n&c: &c<>"
in-maintenance-ping-players: "&c? &c &c \n&c &c &c"
in-maintenance-ping-protocol: '&c &c'
no-permission: '&c &c &c &c &c &c &c? &c.'
command-reload: '&7 &7 &7 &7 &7.'
command-error: '&7? &7. &7 &b/maintenance &bon | &boff'
on-command-error: '&7? &7. &7 &b/maintenance &bon &b<server> &7<reason>'
off-command-error: '&7? &7. &7 &b/maintenance &boff &b<server>'
no-server: '&7 &7 &7?'
maintenance-enabled: '&7 &7 &7<server> &7. &7: &7<reason>'
maintenance-disabled: '&7 &7 &7<server> &7'
no-reason: '&7 &7 &7 &7.'
no-server-command-error: '&7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7? &7 &7'

[Image: sj8td9O.png]

[Image: DJYdJrm.png]
[Image: 8h2nrVo.png]
[Image: liDlICv.png]
[Image: lxg7mdn.png]
[Image: MOWiI0P.png]
[Image: IOLaHwd.png]
[Image: nbM3tnv.png]
Please read the Terms and Conditions before purchasing:
  • By purchasing DeluxeMaintenance you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions.

  • You cannot distribute this plugin or any part of it.

  • You cannot do fake reviews or reviews calling for help, reporting a bug or blackmailing.

  • We can modify the price, utilities or any information along plugins updates.

  • You will not attempt to modify the DeluxeMaintenance plugin source code without direct permission from me.

  • You will only use my plugin on your server or network.

  • You may not place a negative review about a problem before sending a PM about it first.

  • This is a digital product, There are no refunds...

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