Hello Everyone! After only getting positive feedback on my idea I decided to follow through. This is the first thread in a series of threads. Now I am sure many people know what "Change my Mind" is but for people that don't let me explain real fast. A conservative named Steven Crowder started a series on Youtube (and I think his own website?) called Change my Mind. The basic premise is that you have a topic with a statement you believe, and people would sit down with him and try to, as the name states, change his mind. This is not a debate but a discussion.
Rules: 1. Use proper grammar, it will make the discussion much more difficult if you have to explain what you are saying. 2. Respect is the key to an open field of communication. Insulting someone will close that field. 3. Only comment IF you have something to offer. 4. Statistics and facts must have a source provided.
Topic: I am pro-gun, I feel like this is a good topic given the recent shootings in the United States. Begin discussion.