jasonmcgraw Wrote: Hey man so I'm getting these errors on santosrp and I don't really know how to fix it.
[ERROR] gamemodes/santosrp/gamemode/sv_mysql.lua:25: Unable to initialize a database connection! Error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '' (111) 1. ConnectReadOnly - [C]:-1 2. Connect - gamemodes/santosrp/gamemode/sv_mysql.lua:25 3. unknown - gamemodes/santosrp/gamemode/init.lua:50
[ERROR] gamemodes/santosrp/gamemode/init.lua:36: attempt to index field 'ServerNet' (a nil value) 1. Load - gamemodes/santosrp/gamemode/init.lua:36 2. unknown - gamemodes/santosrp/gamemode/init.lua:365
Couldn't include file 'includes/modules/bromsock.lua' (File not found) (@gamemodes/santosrp/gamemode/sv_servernet.lua (line 12))
[ERROR] gamemodes/santosrp/gamemode/sv_servernet.lua:12: Module not found! 1. require - [C]:-1 2. unknown - gamemodes/santosrp/gamemode/sv_servernet.lua:12 3. include - [C]:-1 4. unknown - gamemodes/santosrp/gamemode/sv_manifest.lua:71 5. include - [C]:-1 6. unknown - gamemodes/santosrp/gamemode/sh_init.lua:16 7. include - [C]:-1 8. unknown - gamemodes/santosrp/gamemode/init.lua:7
And whenever I try and inject the database.sql I get this error:
Static analysis:
3 errors were found during analysis.
Unexpected character. (near "[" at position 103)
Unexpected character. (near "[" at position 104)
Unrecognized statement type. (near "function" at position 0)
SQL query:
function DarkRP.storePlayerData(ply, level, xp, rank, money) play = math.max( xp,0) MySQLite.query([[CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS darkrp_data.sql( uid VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, level int NOT NULL, xp int NOT NULL, UNIQUE(uid) )
MySQL said:
#1064 - Yosdu have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'function DarkRP.storePlayerData(ply, level, xp, rank, money) play = math.max( ' at line 1
I've set up my sql database and all. How do all the commands work? I've been trying to figure this out for a while to no avail
Did you put the database details in the sv_config? Also, you need the MySQL files upload to your server. Like Libmysql etc...