
Why do people hack?

Submitted by JimCricket, , Thread ID: 25264

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RE: Why do people hack?

05-04-2018, 06:46 AM
This post was last modified: 05-04-2018, 06:48 AM by unclesammyfish
15-12-2016, 04:18 AM
JimCricket Wrote:
I don't have anything against anybody who does hack, it's just an honest question. If you have to pay for the hacks that get outdated in just a few days, and have to buy a new account? It seems like the reactions from your team members wouldn't be worth that much. Besides money, as well, it's not a challenge? I don't know, guys. Again, no hate to anyone that does I would just like an honest opinion on it.

- To know how hackers behave
-Sick of playing against hackers
-To just be a plain dick
- Money (boosting others)
- Want to achieve a higher rank (at the risk of their account)

05-04-2018, 01:26 AM
bamarang Wrote:
Its fun and nice to have an advatange over everyone it nakes u feel special in a way
It is fun, but I wouldn't play with hacks all the time (and when I do I try and keep it in casual)

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