
Best Minecraft Anticheat

Submitted by Assass1n, , Thread ID: 49242

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RE: Best Minecraft Anticheat

08-04-2018, 11:51 AM
This post was last modified: 08-04-2018, 11:52 AM by TestLabbed
why is everyone still asking for the perfect anticheat? it doesn't exist! but there is still my opinion about this:

There is no good anti cheat.
I recommend to use a anticheat that works with youre typ of server, (for example AAC is a combat anticheat, so if youre starting kitPVP or something use AAC)
and make it allow hacks.

Don't block hackers! Its dumb and idk why everyone does that -> let them hack, let them hack a freakin lot, let them fly, let them bug, killaura at 360!
If the anticheat doesn't block actions of youre hackers, the hackers will start using more and more hacks.. So the anticheat will detect atleast something for sure,
If youre going to use the "let them hack anticheat" thing use tresholds so the hackers won't be punished instantly..
If the anticheat for example waits 2 days before it bans someone, a hacker will Always start using more then 1 hack if everything works on youre server; so they don't know what they are banned for.
When you ban them instantly they know '"oh i just enabled fly and i got banned, i'm not going to do that a second time!" but they can't if you use tresholds.

I hope that it helped and that you find a anticheat that fits youre needs!

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