I personally wouldn't do it in form a video. but then again that is my general taste... it may be an age thing? I think it could be conceived as creepy? and I know its the last thing you would want to do is scare her off. ( or... do the video, but in a fun way, not romantic to start and then develop it further and making more things for her) just make it gradual.
I would maybe have a discussion about 'futures' talk to her about what she hopes to achieve? tell her what you are after.. aka a girlfriend, companion, see where it leads. Aoki is right, a long term/ long distance relationship is hard work, and can be very frustrating for both of you, but if its what you both want it could work out.
but yes, go easy on her.. don't bombarded her and be subtle in how you approach this subject. ^_^ Goodluck!