Pain Wrote: How will you prepare for it if it were to happend? It would just be a big mess of a man slaughter, i think civilians will get mixed in without the governments caring or even breaking a sweat over it. I think it'll all be computer simulated, probably taking out eachothers electricity at first, then probably some form of biological weapons (which really is prohibited and banned in the act of war) BUT i don't think that'll stop the leaders of countries from doing it, rules aren't exactly a thing that's usually followed in wars. Then it'll most likely be man powered war with missiles, in the end game i think it'd be nuclear disasters, just look at the bomb a country made just recently (can't remember if it was russia or something) but the nuke has 50k megatons of power, it could wipe out france in just one blow or texas.
Here's a video that's pretty accurate and concerning in my opinion.
So.... How would you prepare or handle it if this happend?