Minecraft Leaks
BossMessenger - Ultimate Messaging Plugin + More
Submitted by idkausername, 19-04-2018, 07:24 PM, Thread ID: 85297
Thread Closed
Now with over1000placeholders!
If you like using this plugin, please consider donating to support the development of BossMessenger Here:
This will really help me continue adding new awesome features.
Your server IP and username will be posted below, in the sponsors' list!
Thank you for your support, it's been wonderful so far!
Your server IP and username will be posted below, in the sponsors' list!
Thank you for your support, it's been wonderful so far!
I freelance as a custom plugin developer. If you would like a custom plugin, pleasePMme and/or contact me on my skypeVictor_2748.Thank you
Multiple BossBars and colors with styles on BossBars are now supported!
BossMessengeris an ultimate messaging plugin, supports theBossBar,Tabheader & footer, standard chat,ActionBarand 1.8titles, and brings them a variety of functionalities. The Auto-messenger supports multiple message lists, that can be assigned to players with permission nodes, to allow having different messages for different worlds, ranks, etc. The broadcasting feature supports quickly broadcasting messages, overriding any displaying message there. Scheduling tasks allows you to set a countdown timer (with a custom message), and execute commands when the timer runs out. BossMessenger supports many other smaller features, such as per-message display and interval time, custom BossBar message percentage for each message, auto-reducing BossBar percentages, toggling message display for certain worlds, players etc.I freelance as a custom plugin developer. If you would like a custom plugin, pleasePMme and/or contact me on my skypeVictor_2748.Thank you
Multiple BossBars and colors with styles on BossBars are now supported!
The goal of this plugin is to take every possible messaging place, and give you full control over it.New updates are coming out almost every day, so the plugin improves with an incredible speed!
- Amazing Auto-messager
- Amazing broadcasting feature
- Amazing Task-Scheduler (see tutorials)
- Amazing Events (Welcoming messages, PVP messages etc.) (see tutorials)
- Per-World, and Rank messages (configured with permissions)
- Custom display time and interval for each message
- Unlimited message length
- Color-codes
- Full command support
- Optional permission support
- Thousands of Placeholders (Placeholder API, and MvDW placeholders api)
- Ability to disable messages in certain worlds
- Ability for players to disable messages for themselves (controlled with permissions)
- Ability to display messages in a random order
- Simple but power config
- Custom per-message percentage
- No external requirements
- Amazing GUI
- Private messaging & Player-specific broadcasting
- Does not create any visible withers or ender dragons in player's sight.
%rdm_color%- Random color from the list
%online_players%- Amount of online players
%max_players%- Amount of player slots
%world%- Player's world
%server_name%- Server's name
%econ_dollars%- Player's major currency balance (Through Vault's economy support)
%[b]econ_cents%[/b]- Player's minor currency balance (Through Vault's economy support)
%rank%- Players permission rank/group (Requires Vault)
%sec%- Seconds left before the message goes away
%timer%- Timer, displaying how much time is left before the message goes away
%sep%- Separates the main title from the subtitle or tab header from footer(in title or tab messages only)
%nl%- Goes to a new line
More placeholders are available, if you are using PlaceholderAPI, you can find them here:https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/placeholderapi.6245/
player_health- displays player's health
server_fullness- displays how full the server is with players
random_percent- displays a random percentage
Set your percentage to 'auto', to make percentage reduce automatically, showing how long will the message stay up
* A percentage can be either a number or ONE of the above variables!
* The GUI has more functionality than commands
*/bm delete <list> <#>- deletes a message number # from the list
*/bm createlist <listname>- creates a new list for messages
*/bm deletelist <listname>- deletes a list of messages
*/bm list [listname]- prints all existing lists, or all messages from the specified lists
*/bm broadcast <show> <message>- Globally broadcasts a message for the specified time
*/bm qb <message>- Globally broadcasts a message for the default broadcasting time (configurable in the config.yml)
*/bm gb <listname> <show> <message>- Broadcasts a message for the specified time, only in the specified list.
*/bm createtask <taskname> <message>- creates a new task with the specified message
*/bm deletetask <taskname>- deletes the specified
*/bm addtaskcmd <taskname> <command>- Adds a command to the task. Type the command without slash (/)
* /bm tasklist- lists all the existing tasks
*/bm taskinfo <taskname>- displays the info on the specified task
*/bm schedule <taskname <time>- schedules the specified task, for the specified time (in seconds)
*/bm qs <taskname>- schedules the specified task for the default time (configurable in config.yml)
*/bm gs <listname> <taskname> <time>- schedules the specified task in the specified list, for the specified time (in seconds)
*/bm disableworld <worldname>- disables messages in the specified world
*/bm enableworld <worldname>- re-enables messages in the specified world
*/bm pm <player> <message> - sends a private message to the specified player
*/bm toggle- toggles the message view for yourself
*/bm info- Displays information about the plugin
*/bm help- displays this list of commands
*/bm admingui- Opens an administration GUI
*/bm gui- Opens a player GUI
Ex:bossmessenger.command.add - gives access to /bm add
[b]bossmessenger.list.<listname>[/b]- assigns the specified message list to the player.
Ex:bossmessenger.list.default - makes the player see messages from the "default" message list
Description:Fires when a player joins the server
%target% -The name of the player that joined
Description:Fires when a player leaves the server
%target% -The name of the player that quit
Description:Fires when a player gets killed by another player
%killer% -The name of the player that killed
%victim% -The name of the player that got killed
The API documentation is coming soon.
BossBar Colors:
Used to retrieve player's permission group (via%rank%) and to get player's balance (via%econ_dollars%and%econ_cents%)
Used to gethundreds and hundredsof new placeholders!
There are no refunds after purchasing/downloading the plugin.
If you need any kind of help with BossMessenger,DO NOTask for it in a review, instead, please post it in thediscussionsection. I ALWAYS reply to your questions/help you solve your problems in the discussion.Posts in reviews will be ignored!
Thank you.
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