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[cracked] Ultimate Tribal Wars Bot

Submitted by drjihad, , Thread ID: 85736

Thread Closed
22-04-2018, 09:56 PM
cracked this for my own needs and decided I might as well share \_()_/[img=15x15][/img]
Quote:The best Tribal Wars Bot on the market!

Ultimate Tribal Wars Bot can work all the time - 24/7 thanks to CAPTCHA recognition system. Bot has also features like farming villages, construct buildings, recruit army, minting a gold coins, balancing resources between villages, detection of incoming attacks, interactive map and much more. UTWB is still under development and will do whatever you want it to do - make an proposal and see it done. Features are being added all the time so you can check home page for the latest release informations.

SITE: http://www.ultimatetribalwarsbot.net
DL: https://www.4shared.com/archive/-cDuKr_z...5_x64.html
7Z VT: https://www.virustotal.com/#/file-analys...QyNDI2NA==
EXE VT: https://www.virustotal.com/#/file-analys...QyMzYwOA==

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