Forum Games

[QUIZ THREAD] - Win credits!

Submitted by cgtweb, , Thread ID: 86605

Thread Closed
Blackhat Marketing Specialist
29-04-2018, 11:53 PM
This post was last modified: 29-04-2018, 11:55 PM by cgtweb
What is the quiz thread all about?

So it's really simple, I am am setting up this thread for all the truly awesome and spectacular members here to have some fun and win some credits in the process!

How does it work?

When I am active I will ask general knowledgequestions on the thread and the first person to answer will win 8 credits!

*Please note when answering the user must tag me by using @uid or by hitting reply on the question, if this is not done the answer will not count and the next user who answers will win.

Why are you doing this?

Simple Answer is I love this forum and the people here so I want everyone to have a good time and I feel this will be a nice contribution to the forum.

Where do the prizes come from?

All of the credits will be out of my own balance and awarded to users from my wallet, however if you would like to donate to the cause you can do so below or by sending me some credits directly. Any users donating will be put in my signature for 24 hours.


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So I hope I have cleared everything up and we have an awesome time with this thread!

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