Im cracking Fortnite Accounts, but the thing is i just dont get good accounts. Today ive runned over 14 hours, checked more than38kaccounts, and just hitted20 accountswith littarly0 thingson it, andall level 1. But, why running the checker i also runned the SQLi Dumper V8.0 and ive scanned over4,5Ksites, then passed them to the "Exploitable" section, i got like97links there. Then i passed them to the "Injectables" section, and only got like 27 links. I selected them all, searched for email and pass in there, and just gathered a small list of accounts. There were absolute 0 google links in there, only Wow, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex.What am i doing wrong?
Ive searched the complete internet on how to make good dorks, tried alot of generators but just cant seem to get good ones with alot of accounts in their database. I also asked alot of people on various communication applications but no one seems to know or want to explain it to me.
So, this are my questions:
How do i get good combolists out of SQLi Dumper? What am i doing wrong? Can someone help me out please?