This is part 2 of my "Video Game / Violence" project for college
Some questions are open, some are very closed and ask for a specific number range for you to enter yourself.
I would post the official link here for people to respond on the site that analyses the data for me, however I need the responses I get to be as relevant to what I'm getting the data for as possible. This means I'll only be analysing the responses which answer my questions instead of just joking about.
Feel free to debate in the comments if you so-wish, I'm also very interested to see the different beliefs and opinions regarding this topic.
TITLE: Have violent video games affected social behaviour in young adults within modern society?
Q1 |What is your age?
Q2 |What is your gender?
Q3 | How popular do you believe video games are in America? 1 Being Very Uncommon | 100 Being Very Common
Q4 |How serious would you rate the crime in America? 1 Being Very Uncommon | 100 Being Very Common
Q5 |How much of a link do you believe video games & crime rate to have? 1 Being No Link | 100 Being Very Related
Q6 |How common do you believe violence in video games is? 1 Being Very Uncommon | 100 Being Very Common
Q7 |Some people argue that violent video games increase crime rate, whereas others believe that it reduces that risk. What are you thoughts on this? (OPEN QUESTION)
Q8 |Based on your previous answer, which video game do you think helps prove this the most? (OPEN QUESTION)
Q9 | Final Comments (OPEN COMMENT BOX; Anything relevant that you would like to add-on to the survey)